Journey Through The Dark Forest: A Descriptive Writing Mini-Movie With Supported Study Tasks
How To Write Dynamic Detailed Descriptions
Does your child struggle to create detailed descriptions in their written tasks?
Do they like the horror story genre? Or suspenseful highly descriptive writing?
Could your child create a powerful detailed description of a moonlit forest walk?
Descriptive tasks are a core exam writing skill. In stories, too, a descriptive 'zoom-in' adds impact - and marks. This resource uses all the details someone walking through a forest might notice. What do they see, hear, feel, smell, touch and think?
Help them develop and dynamise their descriptive skills by watching my short movie, subtitled up with a top descriptive response. Also included is a 30-page lavishly illustrated PDF with the 'Dark Forest' description text, 10 text focus tasks and 10 sample answers. The illustrations are great focus areas to help kids fine-tune their descriptive skills. Let's get them confident with describing it all: setting details, mood and a character's feelings.
Watch your children create their own truly awe-inspiring horror stories that strike both fear and admiration into all who read their new creations...
Heaven Is In The Details
This Free Guide Offers Kids Both A Subtitled Video Of Great Descriptive Writing, A Study Pack PDF Of The Text, Plus Tasks And Sample Answers.
It Will Open Their Eyes To The Potential Of Descriptive Details!
Our text-subtitled film version of the highly descriptive 'Journey Through The Dark Forest' response engages young writers, showing them how to use and structure descriptive language and techniques to showcase descriptive skills AND dynamise characters and settings.
Examples To Inspire Them
Sometimes, all students need is to read an example of highly descriptive writing to see how its sentence structure and use of language can add an extra layer of magic to their writing.
Grab Your Free Film And Study PDF For The Dark Forest Here!
This great-value resource is packed with a full sample text response, a film version of it with subtited text, a full 10-question textual analysis task with sample answers, quality image prompts, varied vocabulary and creative ideas for their own writing.
'Far above, from the highest darkest branches, a screech owl called, chilling her heart.'
'A silhouetted figure! Crashing towards her, from from the forest thickets!'
'She had the uneasy sense of being watched by a wild creature's amber eyes.'
An added bonus is that this helps students feel confident with description and more likely to weave in a small descriptive section to their story tasks as well. Result!
Let's Get Them Looking At Ideas Afresh. Let's Get Them Describing In Depth And Detail.